Canadian Recommendations for Management of RA

The most recently updated CRA living guidelines for the pharmacological management of rheumatoid arthritis with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are now available on MAGICapp here.

The CRA has developed 2011/2012 recommendations for the pharmacological management of RA that take into consideration Canada’s current healthcare system. The recommendations address treatment questions identified from a national needs assessment survey of Canadian rheumatology professionals and are published in 2 parts.

Highlights from the 2011/ 2012 CRA Recommendations for RA

Part 1: RA Treatment Recommendations

  • 5 overarching RA care principles
  • 26 treatment recommendations addressing general RA treatment strategies as well as specific treatment strategies for the use of glucocorticoids and traditional and biologic DMARDs
  • Summary RA assessment and treatment algorithms

Part 2: RA Safety Recommendation

13 recommendations addressing specific safety aspects of treatment with traditional and biologic DMARDs, including:

  • Perioperative management
  • Screening for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) and indications for initiating TB prophylaxis
  • Optimal vaccination practices (which vaccines are indicated in patients with RA)
  • Management of patients with malignancy (active and past)

Recommendations grouped in to user-friendly tables/checklists.


Journal of Rheumatology Publications

Editorial overview of 2011/2012 CRA Recommendation for RA 

Part 1: 2011/2012 CRA Treatment Recommendations for RA

Part 2: 2011/2012 CRA Safety Recommendations for RA

Pre-Guideline National Needs Assessment Results

Supporting Information


2011/2012 RA Treatment & Assessment Algorithms

2011/2012 CRA Recommendations for RA Part 1 Treatment

2012_CRA Recommendations for RA_Part 2 Safety

Questions and/or comments about these recommendations can be sent to