Management of Adverse Events in the Treatment of RA: Expert Perspectives
Management of Adverse Events in the Treatment of RA: Expert Perspectives

This video-based accredited learning program has been designed for rheumatologists to improve their understanding of adverse events during the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).  The program features discussions with relevant specialists to pose safety-related questions to a diverse panel of experts in hematology, cardiology, respirology, and infectious diseases to address the following:

  • what to expect in terms of adverse events
  • how to monitor for adverse events, and
  • what to do when adverse events occur

Learning Objectives
After completing this program, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize common hepatological abnormalities and potential courses of action
  2. Evaluate and manage potential cardiovascular risks
  3. Monitor the risk of interstitial lung disease in RA patients
  4. Manage risk for serious infections, COVID-19 and the vaccination schedule of patients with RA

CanMEDS Roles

  1. Communicator
  2. Collaborator
  3. Leader
  4. Medical Expert
  5. Professional
  6. Scholar

This educational resource is made available exclusively to CRA members (and invited guests); access to the site is password protected; please contact for password.

This learning program was supported by an unrestricted educational grant from BMS (Bristol-Myers Squibb) Canada. An independent CRA Scientific Planning Committee was responsible for the scientific integrity, objectivity, and balance of this content.