Remise de bourse 2022

En 2022, l’ICORA aura financé 2 bourses de deux ans et 1 bourse d’un an pour un total de 485 626 $. Lire le communiqué de presse (en anglais seulement)

Titre Investigateur principal Prix
Personalized therapy in lupus pregnancies Vinet, E. 114000$
Assessing the timeliness of referrals in rheumatology for chronic inflammatory arthritis from a centralized referral system Beausejour, M.
Boire, G.
Feldman, D.
Digital FDG PET/CT versus temporal artery biopsy and ultrasound for first-line diagnostic imaging of giant cell arteritis Abikhzer, G. 109326$
Development and pilot of a shared-care model for rheumatoid arthritis leveraging an “on-demand” follow-up strategy Barber, C. 109796$
Reducing Urgent Care Wait Times in Community Rheumatology: A Quality Improvement Project Gottheil, S. 41430$