Remise de bourse 2023

En 2023, l’ICORA aura financé 3 bourses de deux ans et 2 boursee d’un an pour un total de 421 043 $. Lire le communiqué de presse

Titre Investigateur principal Prix
Multicriteria decision analysis with 1000Minds for developing scleroderma renal crisis classification criteria Hudson, M.
Johnson, S.
Denton, C.
Peripartum outcomes of women with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus Keeling, S. 72750$
Early Adalimumab Induction for Treatment of Steroid-Dependent Checkpoint Inhibitor Associated Inflammatory Arthritis:    A Pragmatic Randomized Clinical Trial Jamal, S.
Appleton, T.
Collaborative, participatory co-production of a clinical dashboard for patients with inflammatory arthritis to enhance patient-centred care and shared decision-making Mosher, D. 116400$
Identifying Facilitators of and Barriers to Digital Health Literacy in Pediatric Rheumatic Disease Patients and Their Families Rosenberg, A. 56677$