2011 Grant Awards

In 2011 CIORA funded 8 grants for a total of just over $446,000.

Pillar Title Principal Investigator Award
Awareness/Advocacy/Education Access and utilization of health care for rheumatoid arthritis in Aboriginal people of Alberta Jones, C.A. $58,513
Awareness/Advocacy/Education Birth outcomes in women who had juvenile idiopathic arthritis Feldman, D. $60,000
Awareness/Advocacy/Education Capacity building for knowledge exchange in rheumatoid arthritis detection and prevention studies at First Nations communities El-Gabalawy,H. $60,000
Awareness/Advocacy/Education Development and Pilot Testing of a Patient Passport for Rheumatoid Arthritis Lacaille, D. $59,839
Awareness/Advocacy/Education The development, implementation and evaluation of an interdisciplinary patient education program for ankylosing spondyltis and related axial spondyloarthritis Passalent, L. Kang, R. $56,487
Awareness/Advocacy/Education What matters the most for parents, patients and clinicians in predicting the course of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis? Guzman, J. $55,166
Early Access for Inflammatory Arthritis Patients Physician’s Tool to Evaluate Joint and Bone Complaints. Bell, M. $47,808
Multi-Disciplinary Care Teams ‘The Window of Opportunity’: Seizing the Opportunity for Positive Lifestyle Modifications in Early Inflammatory Arthritis Barnabe, C. $48,716